

发布时间: 2024-05-17 12:05:43北京青年报社官方账号





"Fifteen years ago, we did a series called Planet Earth, and people thought 'that's it, it's all done,'" said Cordey. "But every time a new series comes along, we push things further, and that's what audiences love. I don't see a time we'll ever run out of new stories, or of new ways to tell a familiar one, and to excite a new audience."


"For Hawaii locals, poke tastes like home," writes author Martha Cheng in her new book about the past year's hottest food trend. "For me, it recalls my earliest visits, when my dad and I would head straight from the beach to a Waikiki corner store and buy raw ahi (big-eye or yellowfin tuna) with our saltwater-soaked dollar bills. I grew up in San Francisco, but I had never tasted fish as fresh as this."


"Freestyle skier Kirsty Muir won silver at the Youth Olympics, Zoe and Izzy Atkin did superbly at the X Games, and we've transferred-in a few athletes from other countries, like Charlotte Banks and Gus Kenworthy. Snowboarder Katie Ormerod is back on snow delivering medals which is amazing given her injury two years ago in Pyeongchang (a broken heel ruled her out of the Games), James Woods is world champion at slope style-I think we're looking pretty good."


"From a snowsports perspective, we're in a great place," GB Snowsport's Chief Executive Vicky Gosling told China Daily. "Over the last 12 months, we've had the best results in British history and across all disciplines, performances really are speaking for themselves.


"For many Western brands, it will be critical to participate now in the rebound of the Chinese economy and the increasing appetite of Chinese consumers to restart spending, as their businesses in the rest of the world struggle or even come to a standstill," he said.


